Friday 20 March 2020

The Many Advantages of Alternative Medicine

For decades, people have been using alternative medicine to cure a number of illnesses. So, far they have managed to prevent, stop and cure several medicines.  The basic principle of these medicines is to bring back the balance of the body.

They use different types of energy medicine to bring back the balance of the body. Some of these medicines include Tai chi and Acupuncture. You need to understand the principle of alternative medicine in order to make the right decision. The balance principle will help you choose the best alternative medicine for yourself.

These medicines are not only effective, but they also offer a number of benefits. In the course of this article, we are going to focus on these benefits. These advantages will help you have a better understanding of the meds. Thus, you can make a more learned decision.

Advantages of Alternative Medicine

Around 38 percent of U.S. adults including 12 percent of children are using alternative medicine, according to NCCAM. The national for complementary and Alternative Medicine shows that these medicine show effective results.

Below are the benefits that ensure that alternative medicines work.

Whole-Person Treatment

One of the major differences between alternative and traditional medicine is their approach towards the disease. Conventional medicine treats disease as a distinct entity from the person carrying it. Although the specialization trend has led to many treatment advances, there is a disadvantage associated with this approach.

Physicians have become distanced from the healthy parts of the patient’s body. Alternative medicine, on the other hand, focuses on whole-body care. Instead of treating just one part of the body, they would focus on the remaining parts as well.

Alternative medicine practitioners would also focus on the patient’s mental health. In addition, they would work on their spiritual health as well. There is no denying that alternative medicine I on the rise and the main reason is its more holistic approach.

According to the Osher Center for Integrative Medicine, people are becoming more inclined towards using alternative medicine because it works on the whole-person treatment philosophy.

Focus on Prevention

Another advantage of Alternative medicine is that it focuses on both prevention and cure. However, traditional medicine intervenes once the patient is affected. They would treat the patient after it has some disease.
In the case of alternative medicine, you can have appoints to prevent diseases in the future. After all, prevention is better than cure.


Cost is another major benefit of alternative medicine. Unlike conventional medical treatments, you will not have to pay thousands of dollars. Yes, there are certain alternative therapies that are expensive. However, most of the herbal and natural medicines cost less in comparison to traditional medicine.

For instance, the chiropractic and acupuncture sessions would cause you less in comparison to the traditional pain relieving treatments. 

Personal Attention

Since alternative medicine work on the whole body and not just one aspect of the body, therefore, the practitioners have to give patients proper time. Every individual would get a great deal of attention from his or her respective practitioner.

On the contrary, traditional physicians do not have the time or the resources to give every individual a great deal of attention. They have to manage with the insurance companies, have packed rooms and several other issues.

So, if you want one-on-one attention, going to an alternative medicine practitioner would be a better choice. Their different fee structures and philosophies would help you get all the attention that you need.

Side Effects

You simply cannot deny the fact that almost all traditional medicines have some sort of side effects. In some cases, some side effects can be extreme. Thus, leading to multiple issues. In the case of alternative medicine, you will not have this particular problem.

After all, alternative medicines are famous for have minimal to no side effects. Nonetheless, the rule of thumb is to discuss things with your doctor before you decide on taking any sort of medicine.

Mental Health

As we mentioned above, alternative medicine takes the whole-person treatment. They focus on the physical, spiritual and the mental health of the person. They pay close attention to mental health as that helps a patient fight the illness and recover in a better way.

Take Away

When you have to decide between unique alternative therapies and traditional medical services, it is like another facet of Costa Rica. Therefore, you need to do a little research and then finalize your decision. Alternative medicine does have its benefits, but then so do traditional medicine. Just make sure, what works for you and make your decision.

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